Call for paper

We are welcoming all the works associated with but not limited to the following issues:

  • Co-design of Communication and Control
  • In-Network Industrial Feedback Control
  • Distributed Control Strategies,
  • Control Strategies that Can Cope with Asynchrony Between Local Loops,
  • Event-Triggered Control
  • Modeling of network infrastructure
  • Novel Concepts of Distributed Control for Networked and Cyber Physical Systems.
  • Communication and Control System Design to Support Networked Control Systems (NCS) with Stringent Real-time Requirements.
  • Joint Design of the Control and Communication Protocol.
  • the co-design of communication and networked multi-loop control.
  • Networked Multi-Agent Systems
  • Day-to-day Operational Management of Transport Systems.
  • Maritime safety and security
  • Railways safety and security
  • Aviation safety and security
  • Road safety: the digital tachograph
  • Interoperability and e-mobility
  • Emerging Cyber-Physical Systems (CPS)
  • Novel optimal control and scheduling designs under resource constraints
  • Novel mechanisms for medium access in multi-hop wireless networks with real-time requirements
  • Optimal layering architecture and co-design for wireless communication and control over wireless multi-hop networks
  • Large Scale Distributed Energy Systems
  • Physical Constraints and Cyber-Constraints
  • Distributed Control and Scheduling Algorithms for Large-Scale CPS with Resource Constraints
  • Event-triggered control with awareness of communication medium
  • New control-aware resource allocation mechanisms
  • Control and communication co-design based on joint optimization variable set
  • Control Systems with Heterogeneous Linear Time Invariant Processes
  • Scheduling of multiple event-triggered loops.
  • Industrial Internet of Things
  • Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning
  • Neural Network Modelling
  • Cognitive Systems and Real-Time Systems
  • Safety and Security Systems
  • Control Epidemic Spreading over Networks
  • Mechatronics and Robotics, Human-Digital Interfaces
  • Optimal Co-Design of Wireless Resource Management and Multi-Loop Networked Control
  • Large-scale Cyber-Physical Systems with Resource Constraints
  • Optimal Information-constrained Control of Distributed Systems
  • Metrology of CPS
  • Energy and Smart Grid
  • Machine Learning, Deep Learning, and Optimization Techniques for Transportation
  • Advanced driver assistance systems (ADAS)
  • Connected and Automated Vehicles (CAV)
  • Mobility-as-a-Service (MaaS) and Robotaxi Services
  • Advanced public transportation management
  • Transportation safety systems
  • AI and deep learning in ITS
  • Artificial transportation systems
  • Behavioral modeling in ITS
  • Connected and automated vehicles
  • Cyber-physical-social systems for ITS
  • Driver and traveler support systems
  • Human factors and HMI
  • Management of incidents and evacuation
  • Naturalistic driving datasets and data analytics
  • Security, privacy and safety systems
  • Sensors, detectors and actuators in ITS
  • Traffic theory for ITS
  • Vehicle localization and autonomous navigation
  • Vision and environment perception, detection of vulnerable road users and animals
  • V2X communications in ITS
  • Transitions Towards Electrification, Automation, and Shared Mobility for Urban Transport
  • Sustainable Mobility in Alternative Transport Systems
  • Smart and Resilient Transportation Infrastructure Systems
  • Computational Intelligence Systems for Vehicular Ad Hoc Networks
  • Advanced Measurements and Control Techniques for Intelligent Vehicles
  • Connected and Autonomous Technology Applications and Modelingnalysis for Commercial and Shared Vehicle Operations
  • Traffic Safety Analysis and Prevention via Multiple Data Sources and Artificial Intelligence Techniques
  • Emerging Technologies in Traffic Safety Risk Evaluation, Prevention, and Control
  • Methods and Technologies for Next-Generation Public Transport Planning and Operations
  • Safety, Behavior, and Sustainability under the Mixed Traffic Flow Environment
  • Electrification and Advanced Smart Systems for Energy Efficiency in Transportation
  • Infrastructure Adaptability in Connected and Autonomous Vehicle-Enabled Traffic Flow Dynamics
  • Information Sharing and Safety in Sustainable Freight Transportation
  • Data Analysis for Self-Driving Vehicles in Intelligent Transportation Systems
  • Empirical Research on Pedestrians’ Behavior and Crowd Dynamics
  • Data-Driven Urban Mobility Modeling and Analysis
  • Models and Technologies for Transport System Flow Analysis
  • Intelligent Autonomous Transport Systems Design and Simulation
  • Advances in Modelling Connected and Automated Vehicles
  • Optimization Concepts in Traffic and Transportation Science
  • Unmanned Aircraft System and its Applications in Transportation
  • Emerging Information and Communication Technologies for Traffic Estimation and Control
  • Simulation and Optimization for Railway Operations Management
  • Cooperative Systems for Autonomous Vehicles
  • Synchronization and Resource Sharing in Intelligent Transport Systems
  • Complex Network Analysis of Transportation Systems
  • Advanced Data Intelligence Theory and Practice in Transport
  • Advances in Modelling and Data-Driven Optimisation of Urban Transport and Logistics
  • Shared Mobility for Transport and its Environmental Impact
  • Big Data in Public Transport Operation
  • Computer Vision Techniques in Intelligent Transportation Systems
  • Technologies for Privacy Preserving, Modelling, Dimensioning, and Communications in Internet of Vehicles (IoVs)
  • Innovative Methods for Data Informed Multimodal Transport Flow and System Analysis
  • Collaboration and Sustainability in Emergency Transport Resource Configuration
  • Surrogate Safety Measures in Traffic Safety Analysis
    Traffic Efficiency and Safety in Mixed Traffic Flow Environments
  • Big Data Aided Vehicular Network for Transport and Environmental
    Impact of Extreme Weather Events and Climate Change on Roadway Transportation Systems
  • Traffic Safety in Intelligent and Connected Environment
  • The Role of Incentives in the Mobility-as-a-Service Value Chain
    Machine Learning Applications in Transportation Engineering
  • Urban Mobility Analytics using Large-Scale Vehicle Trajectory Data
    Intelligent Traffic Control and Management in Urban Areas
  • Data Analysis and Optimization for Intelligent Transportation in Internet of Things
  • Emerging Data for Smart Transportation Management
    BIM for Infrastructures: from Planning and Design to the Maintenance Phase
  • Emerging Technologies and Methods in Shared Mobility Systems
    Methodologies for the Analysis and Prevention of Aviation Safety Occurrences
  • Advanced Models and Practice for Addressing Emerging Cross-Cutting Issues in Multimodal Transportation Research
  • Recent Advances in Intelligent Transportation Systems for Cloud-Enabled Smart Cities
  • Innovative Methods for Data Informed Multimodal Transport Flow and System Analysis
  • Evacuation Planning During Disasters